There's no better way to welcome back your coworkers from the holidays, vacation, or that long sales trip than with an office prank. There is no need for pranks to be relegated to April Fool's Day; any day of the year is good for a small joke. A prescription for safe office pranks if often perfect for some fun lighthearted fun and/or well deserved payback.

In this day and age, Technology and the Internet rule, and most people spend their time online browsing, emailing or shopping. Why not try and play a joke on your friends where they spend most of their time…their computers and offices.

Remember, any prank you can easily play on someone could just as easily be used against you as well.

The Phantom Menace


Dont you hate it when you go to run some photo copies, you throw your document in there and start running 50, only to find out that the schmuck who was using the machine before you left their original in the machine?  Now, not only do you have 50 copies for the rules for "Fight Club", but you are late for you meeting and have to start your copy job all over again.  Spread the joy and watch your co-workers go insane as you send them on a search for a phantom paperclip.
  1. Take a standard paperclip and make 20-50 copies of it on the office copy machine.
  2. Remove the paperclip and take the copies you made and put them back into the copiers paper tray, ready for the next sucker who needs to make copies.
  3. The copier will print over the paperclip, leaving your victim searching for the mysterious paperclip that is appearing on their copies.
This is guaranteed to have your coworkers scratching their head as they search to no avail to find the mysterious paperclip.  When executing this prank you will want to:
  • Make sure you put the copies in the paper tray the correct way, so that the paperclip will appear on the face of the victims copies, not on the back side of the paper.
  • Alternatively you can mix the paperclip copies in with the untainted paper, adding to the mystery and frustration and making people ponder "Why does it only show up sometimes?"

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