There's no better way to welcome back your coworkers from the holidays, vacation, or that long sales trip than with an office prank. There is no need for pranks to be relegated to April Fool's Day; any day of the year is good for a small joke. A prescription for safe office pranks if often perfect for some fun lighthearted fun and/or well deserved payback.

In this day and age, Technology and the Internet rule, and most people spend their time online browsing, emailing or shopping. Why not try and play a joke on your friends where they spend most of their time…their computers and offices.

Remember, any prank you can easily play on someone could just as easily be used against you as well.

Can You Hear Me Now?


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Imagine sitting at your desk getting your work done, when out of nowhere, all of the phones in your office/department start ringing at the same time. A sign of demonic possession you say? No, not quite, it's simply what Skype and $10 in Skype credit (the minimum you can purchase) can get you.
  1. Set up a Skype conference by clicking on the conference button on the main Contacts tab, then type in the numbers of the people you want to call. 
  2. Add all of your departments/offices phone numbers in the participants field (don't forget desk, fax, and personal cell numbers).
  3. When you press the "Start the call" button, Skype calls out to all of the numbers at once with Caller ID showing "Unknown Caller" or "000-000-0000"
  4. As people answer their phones they will be talking to each-other talking, all saying each-other called them.

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