There's no better way to welcome back your coworkers from the holidays, vacation, or that long sales trip than with an office prank. There is no need for pranks to be relegated to April Fool's Day; any day of the year is good for a small joke. A prescription for safe office pranks if often perfect for some fun lighthearted fun and/or well deserved payback.

In this day and age, Technology and the Internet rule, and most people spend their time online browsing, emailing or shopping. Why not try and play a joke on your friends where they spend most of their time…their computers and offices.

Remember, any prank you can easily play on someone could just as easily be used against you as well.

Of Mice and Men Part II


While the classic prank is great for "ball" mice, most new computers are using laser mice which lack a ball you can remove.  Fortunately there is an alternative prank you can pull that is just as quick, (if not quicker) and results in the same frustration. This will take about 15 seconds to execute, perfect for when someone run off to the copy machine, or refill their cup of coffee.  When they are out of sight, simply
  1. Take their computer mouse and turn it over so you can see the bottom of the mouse.
  2. In the center of the mouse, you will see the bright LED "laser" that the mouse uses to track movement.  Using a 1/2" to 1" piece of scotch tape, cover the light ensuring your firmly apply the tape.
  3. Put their mouse back on their desk and watch them struggle to get their mouse to respond to them.
If the tape is not firmly stuck to the bottom of the mouse, the tape can accidentally come off.  With the laser covered, the mouse will not be able to give accurate feedback regarding mouse movement resulting in a dead mouse.  To end their misery, simply remove the tape.

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