If you enjoy friendly pranks, and have a co-worker that spends more time playing solitaire then they do filling out their TPS reports, then this is an easy prank that works with any version of Microsoft's Windows Operating Systems. When they step away from their computer for a few minutes:
- Select an an icon from the desktop (games, office applications, or browsers are excellent targets as they are commonly used) and make a copy of it.
- Hide the original shortcut and rename the copy so it matches the original files name.
- Right-click on it and choose “Properties“.
- In the properties window that appears, locate the "Target” field, replace what is written with:
- “shutdown -s -t 0”
- Switch to the "Customize" tab and select "Change Icon" from the "Folder Icons" section at the bottom of the tab.
- Locate and set the appropriate icon for your new shortcut.
- After the information is entered, press “Apply” then “OK“.
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