There's no better way to welcome back your coworkers from the holidays, vacation, or that long sales trip than with an office prank. There is no need for pranks to be relegated to April Fool's Day; any day of the year is good for a small joke. A prescription for safe office pranks if often perfect for some fun lighthearted fun and/or well deserved payback.

In this day and age, Technology and the Internet rule, and most people spend their time online browsing, emailing or shopping. Why not try and play a joke on your friends where they spend most of their time…their computers and offices.

Remember, any prank you can easily play on someone could just as easily be used against you as well.

Dear Mr. Dipshit....


Microsoft's Office suite is ubiquitous in offices around the world and its plethora of features helps us all be more productive.  One feature that most of us rarely pay attention to is Offices' ability to automatically correct common typing errors with "Autocorrect".  To pull this off, you will need about 5 minutes in front of your victims computer and an evil heart.

  1. First make sure that AutoCorrect is turn on
  2. In the "Replace Text as You Type" section of the AutoCorrect options, add your own custom entries.
  3. Save your custom entries and watch as chaos ensues.
There are a couple of different approaches you can take with this one.  For example if you want to be:
  • Frustrating, you can change it so common words get changed to make their work turn into gibberish:
    • the -> thet
    • that -> then
    • me -> cow
    • to -> two
    • how -> howl
    • can -> box
    • when -> slippery
  • Evil, you can inject inappropriate language into their work:
    • Sir -> Mr. Dipshit
    • Sincerely -> Fuck Off and Die
    • you -> you stupid fucker
    • *bosses name* -> fuckface
Remember, the prank is most effective when they don't notice it immediately so the more AutoCorrections that exist, the more likely it is they will catch it.  Also, it is good to note that this is one of those pranks where you need to know your victim and what they are working on.  Having a CEO receive the quarterly report with your corrections in it wont be good for anyone.

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